travel with kids
Travel Gallery
Best place to travel with your kids
Travel has so much to offer when we experience a new place or a new country. A new community and a new culture we can be part of and are welcomed in. This is why we are very excited to share our travel gallery with you.
The most recent Langtang with Stanley Trip we took on the 20th of April, 2021 was a great opportunity to experience Nepal once more. On this trip were I (Nima), Stanley and Yonden. This was also Yonden’s first long hike, so it was very exciting to see his experience on this trip.
Travel is so important these days will everyone so engaged in our mobile phones and tables. Traveling is a great opportunity for Everyone to bond and experience the Nature, and specially take some time off from our mobile phones and tables.
We share our travel experiences and images (gallery), along with many travel updates and blogs that you will not want to miss, specially if you love staying updated on different countries’ travel related updates.
Tips for planning travel with kids
It can be daunting to travel on a long trek with your kids. Specially when it is the first time. This is why I have some travel tips when planning travels with kids from my experiences on this trip. I’m sure that they will help you in your future travel plans. So make sure you go through my short list of tips.
Packing -Off roading - Kathmandu to Khangjim (Langtang)
Day1: Today we started our drive around 730am from Kathmandu. We had lunch in Dunche at 12pm, and left for Khangjim around 1pm. We finally reached Khangjim around 330pm. After checking into Hotel Mothers home, we walked around the village, and here are some glimpses. I think Yonden did pretty good on the driving part, and more will be learned tomorrow after 6hrs of hike. He also ordered pizza and you can see his expression on the photo.. he enjoyed it like a wrap burrito… a long day on road.. and he is sleep… see you guys tomorrow…
Yonden's version
First Day Hiking to Lama Hotel from Khangjim
Yonden's version
A rainy day from Lama Hotel to Langtang Village
Day 3 after lunch. After our dal bhat, which was only the choice every day, the menu had pizza but you saw how it looked like earlier. So Yonden had no option, fries were ok sometimes. So, I forgot to tell you another highlight of the day…. ***SNOW.. what excitement for Yonden… this was his first time feeling snow… and making snowball… next adventure should be inviting his friends until Langtang goan (village) just before the last snow in spring. As we hiked up towards Langtang goan which was our camp for tonight, we saw many yaks, horses, and many mules. I had a conversation with our porter about the earthquake and what happened on-site that April 15th. I learned from the lodge owner that about 175 locals, 600 or more foreigners, 200 or more outside workers, possibly about 1000 people died that day. I felt really sad crossing that site now covered with rocks… and sand… On my next post, you will see the damaged village, and the huge snow avalanche that came from Langtang Lirung Mountain, one of the reasons that so many locals died that was because they were there to attend a memorial service of someone in the village on the night of 14th April.
Yonden's version
Lots of snow in Langtang Village 3400 meter and above
Day 4… lots of in Langtang Gaon, see yonden is excited when he woke. up…. it looked like today was the day of more snowfall… we started our hike around 9 am. We walked on the snow that was probably 10inches or a little more.. on the trail. Off the trail, it was probably 1ft or more. The hike from Langtang village to Kyangin Gompa is about 2hrs. Along the trail, yonden enjoyed the snow, until he realized that walking on snow was not easy. Halfway on the trail, the wind picked up as well, and yonden felt pretty miserable walking on snow. So, we returned back down and enjoyed some time in Sindum, a nice highland village.. where yonden got his first experience of….
Day 4 highlight also included touching Jopkyo (high attitude bread of Yak and cow).. out here in Langtang we did not see these animals carrying any loads.. I think they are used to plough farms. And of course yonden carrying snow ball…
Yonden's version
Heading back down Kathmandu
Travel Tips when Planning travels with kids
Keep it easy & feature-friendly. Although our hike is rated between moderate to maybe one notch up. The hike is about the experience. Picking a trail that has some features – be it a lake, stream, waterfall or something else will keep kids occupied and give them a goal to reach. Also making sure that you start slow, and easy on the beginning gives kids more confidence.
Time is your friend – so plan for lots of it. Kids are natural explorers and want to pick up and touch everything. My son climbed couple of big boulder/rocks, played on the river. So we were not in rush at all.
Prepare for anything and dress for success. This pretty much goes for any hike, we were ready for rain, but did not actually expect snow up high. So, we did not go further into the much snowy part of the trek. Therefore, we stop where we were prepared for, but also got ample of time to play with snow.
Plan frequent energy stops. This is what we did most of the time. All of our stop consisted of at least 10 minutes rest. We had him motivated by taking numerous small breaks for fluid and food.
Leave no trace. This is a must, as we learned there was litter in some areas. A knowledge and practice that my son got to learn.